Samurai's Saying ブログトップ

Ryoma Sakamoto [Samurai's Saying]

NHK broadcasts the period play drama "大河ドラマ"("Taiga Drama") through one year from January to December every year. The theme is the historical personages and the events etc. of Japan.
And this year's theme is "坂本 龍馬"("Ryoma Sakamoto") who has a national popularity.

"坂本 龍馬"("Ryoma Sakamoto") (1867-1836) is a samurai and a politician who had a big influence on Meiji Restoration (a series of reform to make Japan transfigured to the modern state that had the first Western-style national system in Asia).
Moreover, he was a businessperson who established the company for the first time in Japan and he was said that he and his wife honeymooned for the first time in Japan.
Many of Japanese businessperson respect "坂本 龍馬"("Ryoma Sakamoto").

After he becomes the hero of this year's "大河ドラマ"("Taiga Drama"), the bookstores deal in more and more of "坂本 龍馬"("Ryoma Sakamoto")'s books.

"坂本 龍馬"("Ryoma Sakamoto") has left a lot of sayings.

- "日本を今一度せんたくいたし申し候"("Nihon-Wo-Imaichido-Sentaku-Itashi-Moushi-Sourou")
- This saying means we should reform rotted Japan again.

It is said that Japan in the end of Edo era where "坂本 龍馬"("Ryoma Sakamoto") lived looks like Japan now that has nearby one quadrillion yen debt, doesn't catch up with globalization and whose people are concerned about their politics and future.

That is why Japanese are wishing modern "坂本 龍馬"("Ryoma Sakamoto") to appear. But...

FYI: Books about Ryoma Sakamoto in English

英語で読む 坂本龍馬【上】

英語で読む 坂本龍馬【上】

  • 作者: ロミュラス・ヒルズボロウ
  • 出版社/メーカー: ジャパンタイムズ
  • 発売日: 2009/12/09
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

英語で読む 坂本龍馬【下】

英語で読む 坂本龍馬【下】

  • 作者: ロミュラス・ヒルズボロウ
  • 出版社/メーカー: ジャパンタイムズ
  • 発売日: 2009/12/09
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

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Kenshin Uesugi [Samurai's Saying]

"敵に塩を送る" said by "上杉 謙信"("Kenshin Uesugi")

- Japanese: Teki-Ni-Shio-Wo-Okuru

 * "敵"("Teki") means his enemy whose name is Shingen Takeda.
 * "塩"("Shio") means a salt.
 * "送る"("Okuru") means providing.

- English: He(Kenshin Uesugi) showed mercy even to his enemy(Shingen Takeda).

Uesugi Kenshin(1530-1578) is one of the major lords at that time in Japan and his home was around Niigata Prefecture. His army was said to be the strongest in Japan at that time.
His home was next to Shingen Takeda's home and fought seventh times at Kawanaka River.
Their rival relations are spoken as the famous scene in Japanese history.

At that time Shingen Takeda' home had troubles lacking salt. Kenshin Uesugi heard of it and provide his rival with salt.
Japanese respect him for what he did and want to be broad-minded like him. But it's very difficult...

FYI: Shingen Takeda

FYI: Kenshin Uesugi
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Shingen Takeda [Samurai's Saying]

"人は城 人は石垣 人は堀 情けは味方 仇は敵なり" said by "武田 信玄"("Shingen Takeda")

- Japanese: Hito-Wa-Shiro Hito-Wa-Ishigaki Hito-Wa-Hori Nasake-Wa-Mikata Ada-Wa-Tekinari

- English: My castle, my stonewall, and my moat are in the hearts of my people. My friend is mercy, and my foe is hate.

Shingen Takeda(1521-1573) is one of the major lords at that time in Japan and his home was around Yamanashi Prefecture.
Even if there ware a lot of battles in Japan at that time, he believed, loved and respecte his men very much. So his army was united and hardly lost the battles.

This saying is helpful for the management and popular for many company executives in Japan. So Japanese companies do their best not to lay off employees.

FYI: Shingen Takeda
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Samurai's Saying ブログトップ
