Japanese Event ブログトップ
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National Foundation Day [Japanese Event]

February 11 is called "建国記念の日"("National Foundation Day") in Japan and it's a national holiday.
However, there is no special event compared with other holidays.
"建国記念の日"("National Foundation Day") was set in 1966 as a day when Japanese recalled the foundation of Japan and Japanese mind that loved Japan was developed.

GDP of Japan might be pulled out by one of China this year and many books and magazines on the future of Japan are published in Japan.
The quality issues of recent Toyota are said to represent the current problems of Japan.
I think that Japan is not good at the cross cultural communications because Japan is an island nation and has almost single race.
It might be a national problem how to improve the cross cultural communication skills of Japan to survive the globalization.

On "建国記念の日"("National Foundation Day"), I'd like to think positive about the bright future of Japan!

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Snow Festival [Japanese Event]

The 61st "さっぽろ雪まつり"("Sapporo Snow Festival") began on February 5. From the first day, the 249 images of the ice and the snow line and a lot of tourists and the citizens enjoyed grand artistic production, for example Church of Our Lady in Frauenkirche, Disney and so on. More than two million people are expected to come by February 11.

But, the number of images is 37 fewer than last year because the sponsors are decreased due to recession.

I've been there for about 10 years once after I enjoyed skiing and at that time, the power of a variety of snow figures overwhelmed me!
"さっぽろ雪まつり"("Sapporo Snow Festival") is held at this time every year and please come to Hokkaido by all means with skiing.
And you can eat delicious crab and fresh fish at a reasonable price in Sapporo!

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Setsubun [Japanese Event]

February 3 is called "節分"("Setsubun") in Japan.
"節分"("Setsubun") means the turn of the season. It is assumed that a demon which is a symbol of a wrong nature comes out at the turn of the season and Japanese drives away a wrong nature by throwing the beans at the demon on "節分"("Setsubun").

When the beans are scattered, people say "鬼は外、福は内!"("Oni-Wa-Soto, Fuku-Wa-Uchi!") which means "Demons outside, Happiness inside!".

The beans are sold in the supermarkets and Japanese-style confection stores, etc. when becoming the time of "節分"("Setsubun").
In the kindergarden and the elementary school, the teachers impersonate to the demons and the students throw the beans at the demons.
The bean-throwing ceremony is done at home. It's happy to throw the beans, but after that, it's hard to pick up all the beans!

Moreover, recently, the event called "恵方巻"("Ehou-maki") in the Japanese whole country begins to become popular.
"恵方"("Ehou") means the direction of good luck.
On the night of "節分"("Setsubun"), Japanese shut their eyes toward "恵方"("Ehou") without talking anything, image wishing and eat "太巻き"("Futo-maki") which means the thick rolled sushi.
A variety of "太巻き"("Futo-maki") is sold at the convenience stores and the department stores.

On February 14, Valentine's Day, a variety of chocolates are sold as the exchange gifts.
In February, Japan has a lot of events to eat something and consumer spendings will increase.
I hope Japanese economy will pick up!

FYI: The demon's mask



  • 出版社/メーカー: 丸惣
  • メディア: おもちゃ&ホビー

FYI: "太巻き"("Futo-maki")

ギュッとポン! 太巻き型 WE-409

ギュッとポン! 太巻き型 WE-409

  • 出版社/メーカー: 曙産業
  • メディア: ホーム&キッチン

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National Center Test for University Admissions [Japanese Event]

The first day of the National Center Test for University Admissions("大学入試センター試験") began at 9:00 am yesterday and 553,368 people participated in the test.
"大学"("Daigaku") means the university and "入試"("Nyuushi") and "試験"("Shiken") means the test.
Japanese who would like to enter the university need to take this test as a common test.

Unfortunately, 426 people couldn't take the test due to the swine flu. But they can take another test.

It's a lot of snow at this time of every year and very slipplery on the road. But they say Japanese should watch their steps and not tumble.
Tumbling literally means "滑る"("Suberu") in Japanese and "滑る"("Suberu") have another meaning that is losing the test. So when I went to take the test, I really walked carefully!

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Seijin-No-Hi(Coming-of-Age Day) [Japanese Event]

Today is Coming-of-Age Day called "成人の日"("Seijin-No-Hi") to celebrate youths who reach the age of 20. In Japan, the youths over 20 are regarded as adults and have the right to vote, drink and smoke from this age.

Local cities around Japan host official celebrations called "成人式"("Seijin-Shiki") for them but every year some drunken youngsters behave violently at the party. It seems like one of the Japanese tradition!

FYI: In Fukui, 2 youngsters were arrested to fight against municipal office employees.

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Mochi-tsuki [Japanese Event]

Yesterday, my family participated in "もちつき"("Mochi-tsuki") in the neghborhood and we could get fresh "Mochi" on the spot.
"Mochi-tsuki" is generally held during the beginning of the year (January and February) around Japan.
"Mochi" means a rice cake and "Mochi-tsuki" means a rice-cake making.
Japanese can get "Mochi" in the supermarket, the convienience store and so on, but fesh one is more delicious.

In Japan, people eat "お雑煮"("Ozouni") made with "Mochi" in the morning of "Gantan" and set "鏡餅"("Kagami-mochi") which means a round rice-cake in their room until the middle of January.

My family toast pieces of 'Mochi' and eat them with soy sauce and suger every morning in January.
So, in January, Japanese eat a lot of 'Mochi' and tend to grow fat...

FYI: Mochi

佐藤 切り餅パリッとスリット 1kg

佐藤 切り餅パリッとスリット 1kg

  • 出版社/メーカー: 佐藤食品工業
  • メディア: ヘルスケア&ケア用品

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Takoage and Kakizome [Japanese Event]

Yesterday, my family went to the riverbank of Tama River (in Tokyo) to do the "凧揚げ"("Takoage") which means kite-flying. During "正月"("Shogatsu") which means the first three to seven days of January, "Takoage" is one of the traditional and popular play in Japan. We do the "Takoage" every "Shogatsu" at the same place. It was so windy that my children could fly the kite up high!

FYI:Our kyte

スポーツカイト スカイスパイ

スポーツカイト スカイスパイ

  • 出版社/メーカー: エー・ジー
  • メディア: おもちゃ&ホビー

And then we got back home and started to "書き初め"("Kakizome"). "Kakizome" is to do a special piece of calligraphy with Japanese brushes and ink for the New Year. Many people write their direction of this year.
By the way, I wrote "平和"("Heiwa") which means peace. I hope the world will be more peaceful...

If you're interested in practice calligraphy, check below! ... but, you have to learn how to use it in advance.

書道セット 北斗星  BL ブルー

書道セット 北斗星  BL ブルー

  • 出版社/メーカー: comolife
  • メディア:

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Hakone Ekiden [Japanese Event]

"駅伝"("Ekiden") is a long-distance relay road race which was born in Japan about 90 years ago.
One of the most popular "Ekiden" in Japan is "箱根駅伝"("Hakone-Ekiden").
It's a round-trip race between Otemachi in Tokyo and Hakone in Kanagawa and held on January 2 and 3. This two-day race from Otemachi in Tokyo to Hakone in Kanagawa and back is separated into five sections on each day. About 20 universities take part in it every year, this year Toho University wins the victory as well as last year.

In "Ekiden", a runner hand over his "たすき"("Tasuki") which means the sash to the next runner. It's very important that the sash of the team should be carried from the starting point to goal. I think "Ekiden" is suitable for Japanese who think higly of the teamwork.

I went to Mitsukoshi department store in Nihonbashi near Otemachi to get "福袋"("Fukubukuro") today and there were a lot of pepole beside the street to cheer for the runners of "Hakone-Ekiden".
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Long line for Fukubukuro [Japanese Event]

2,500 people form a long line to get "福袋"("Fukubukuro") of the shop in Shinjuku of Tokyo on Jan 1.
This "Fukubukuro" includes some clothes for young women in late 20s or late 30s.

The meaning of "Fukubukuro" is said below.

Due to recession in Japan, "Fukubukuro" is very popular than ever. "Fukubukuro" used to be filled with not unknown random contents, but recently some "Fukubukuro"s contents can be confirmed in advance, thus customers can avoid buying products which they don't want.

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Akemashite-Omedetougozaimasu(A Happy New Year) [Japanese Event]

A Happy New Year!

This is the typical Japanese phrase used in the beginning of the year.

Today is called "元旦"("Gantan") or "元日"("Ganjitsu") which is the special day of the year.
"一年の計は元旦にあり"("Ichinen-No-Kei-Ha-Gantan-Ni-Ari") of Japanese proverb means "New Year's Day is the key of the year". Japanese set their goals of the year on Gantan. I've already done... I'll do my best to accomplish my goal.

Japanese interesting custom is "お年玉"("Otoshidama") which is a special monetary gift to children from their parents and relatives. When I was young, I tried to meet a lot of my relatives!

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