
Setsubun [Japanese Event]

February 3 is called "節分"("Setsubun") in Japan.
"節分"("Setsubun") means the turn of the season. It is assumed that a demon which is a symbol of a wrong nature comes out at the turn of the season and Japanese drives away a wrong nature by throwing the beans at the demon on "節分"("Setsubun").

When the beans are scattered, people say "鬼は外、福は内!"("Oni-Wa-Soto, Fuku-Wa-Uchi!") which means "Demons outside, Happiness inside!".

The beans are sold in the supermarkets and Japanese-style confection stores, etc. when becoming the time of "節分"("Setsubun").
In the kindergarden and the elementary school, the teachers impersonate to the demons and the students throw the beans at the demons.
The bean-throwing ceremony is done at home. It's happy to throw the beans, but after that, it's hard to pick up all the beans!

Moreover, recently, the event called "恵方巻"("Ehou-maki") in the Japanese whole country begins to become popular.
"恵方"("Ehou") means the direction of good luck.
On the night of "節分"("Setsubun"), Japanese shut their eyes toward "恵方"("Ehou") without talking anything, image wishing and eat "太巻き"("Futo-maki") which means the thick rolled sushi.
A variety of "太巻き"("Futo-maki") is sold at the convenience stores and the department stores.

On February 14, Valentine's Day, a variety of chocolates are sold as the exchange gifts.
In February, Japan has a lot of events to eat something and consumer spendings will increase.
I hope Japanese economy will pick up!

FYI: The demon's mask



  • 出版社/メーカー: 丸惣
  • メディア: おもちゃ&ホビー

FYI: "太巻き"("Futo-maki")

ギュッとポン! 太巻き型 WE-409

ギュッとポン! 太巻き型 WE-409

  • 出版社/メーカー: 曙産業
  • メディア: ホーム&キッチン

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